
Thu, September 27, 2018

RFU v Dean Asfield


  • Sport: Rugby Union
  • Issue: Arbitration
  • Type: Anti-Doping
  • Tribunal: William Norris QC, Dr Kitrina Douglas, Dr Neil Townshend
  • Decision date: 22 March 2018
  • Outcome: A period of Ineligibility imposed by the Tribunal was four (4) years.

Decision Details

A Decision in the case of the RFU v Dean Ashfield has been published by the National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP).

On 15 March 2017, registered player Dean Ashfield was subject to an In-Competition test following a match between Clevedon RFC and Bridgewater and Albion RFC.  Analysis of Mr Ashfield’s urine sample returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for Drostanolone, Trenbolone (metabolite 17-epitrenbolone) and Clenbuterol.  Mr Ashfield was subsequently charged with an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) for the Presence of a Prohibited Substance under World Rugby Regulation 21.2.1.

The NADP Tribunal, consisting of William Norris QC (Chairman), Dr Kitrina Douglas, and Dr Neil Townshend, determined that the ADRV had been proved and the player had not established that such use of Prohibited Substances was not intentional, imposing a period of ineligibility of four years on Mr Ashfield.

Mr Ashfield’s ban will run from 10 April 2017, the date of Provisional Suspension, until midnight on 09 April 2021.