- Sport: Ice Hockey
- Issue: Arbitration
- Type: Anti-Doping
- Tribunal: Michelle Duncan, Lorraine Johnson, Neil Townshend
- Decision date: 18 May 2023
- Outcome: 2 years ineligibility
Decision Details
A decision in the case of UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) against Ashley Calvert has been issued by the National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP).
On 18 November 2022, UKAD issued Mr Calvert, a National Level ice hockey player, with a Notice of Charge for committing Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) for the presence and Use of the prohibited substances morphine, and/or oxycodone; and/or oxymorphone on or before 05 December 2021.
The National Anti-Doping Tribunal, comprised of Ms Michelle Duncan (Chair), Ms Lorraine Johnson, and Dr Neil Townshend, was appointed to determine this matter on the papers.
The adverse analytical findings stemmed from an In-Competition doping control test taken on 05 December 2021 at the match between Blackburn Hawks and Solihull Barons at Blackburn Ice Arena. Morphine, oxycodone, and oxymorphone are classified under section S7 of the 2021 WADA Prohibited List as Narcotics. They are Specified Substances that are Prohibited In-Competition only. Mr Calvert had no valid or applicable TUE in place to justify the Specified Substances in his Sample. UKAD established to the comfortable satisfaction of the Tribunal that Mr Calvert had committed the ADRVs, under ADR Article 2.1 and ADR Article 2.2, and did not seek to establish that the ADRVs were intentional. Under ADR Article 10.9.4(a) the Charges were to be treated as a single ADRV for the purpose of imposing sanction.
Accordingly, the Tribunal were satisfied that Mr Calvert had committed the ADRVs pursuant to ADR Articles 2.1 and 2.2 and imposed a period of Ineligibility of two years. The sanction is imposed retroactively, commencing on 10 August 2022, the date Mr Calvert was provisionally suspended, and will end at 23:59 on 09 August 2024.
The National Anti-Doping Panel is the United Kingdom’s independent tribunal responsible for adjudicating anti-doping disputes in sport. It is operated by Sport Resolutions and is entirely independent of UK Anti-Doping who is responsible for investigating, charging and prosecuting cases before the NADP.
A copy of the full decision can be accessed via the related links tab on the right-hand side.