Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic impacting the world, and the current public health advice, the following measures are currently in force for all matters administered by Sport Resolutions. These measures have been implemented for the health and safety of staff, panel members and parties.
The measures apply to both international and national level arbitrations, mediations and investigations. This includes proceedings before the World Athletics Disciplinary Tribunal, the ITF Independent Panel, the National Anti-Doping Panel, and the National Safeguarding Panel.
Measures implemented as a result of COVID-19:
All filings are to be made electronically, including hearing bundles;
The conduct of hearings is to be addressed during the directions hearing or preliminary meeting with the Chair;
Except for good reason, hearings will be conducted via videoconference. Panel members and parties are encouraged to make full use of videoconferencing facilities;
Where for good reason it has been determined that a hearing shall take place in person, hearings will be listed or adjourned to a future date, subject to revision as the situation evolves;
As per usual practice, parties may request to stay proceedings or vary directions, with the Chair’s consent.
These measures will be in place for the foreseeable future and will only be amended when it is deemed safe to do so.
Many Sport Resolutions users and panel members will already be familiar with these measures, as electronic filings and videoconference hearings are commonplace in our proceedings. Over the last year alone, more than 100 case-related hearings and meetings were conducted via videoconference.
Should parties or panellists wish to familiarise themselves with any videoconferencing features, such as breakout rooms, private chats, or security settings, our case team will be happy to provide further information, and conduct tests or run-throughs as necessary.
For useful considerations for videoconference hearings click here, and for the perspective of one of our panel members, William Norris QC, on remote hearings, click here.