The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published a new Q&A document for athletes related to anti-doping and COVID-19.
The new document is an update to the last version that the Agency published on 25 May 2020, and addresses matters such as the following -- reflecting the evolving nature of the pandemic; the changing testing environment; and, the fact that a growing number of Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) have resumed normal testing.
- Testing during COVID-19
- Minimizing the risk of contracting or transmitting the virus
- Filing of whereabouts information
- Validating Therapeutic Use Exemptions
- Maintaining the integrity of the global anti-doping system
- Impact of COVID-19 vaccines
- Confidence in the anti-doping system
The WADA statement adds: “WADA has also provided extensive guidance to ADOs, to ensure that testing is carried out in a secure manner, while respecting regional public health guidelines. The latest such document is the Agency’s ADO Guidance for Testing during COVID-19 Pandemic of 25 November 2020. Athletes who wish to know more about what specific measures their International Sport Federation (IF) or National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) are taking in the face of this unprecedented challenge are encouraged to contact them directly.”
WADA also invites athletes to register for the upcoming webinar which will focus on the impact of COVID-19 on athletes and the anti-doping system. The webinar titled 2021 COVID-19 and Clean Sport Update, will be held tomorrow (25 February) from 13-14:00 EST.
Speakers include:
- Ben Sandford, Chair of the WADA Athlete Committee
- James Sclater, Director, Anti-Doping – International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
- Dr. Olivier Rabin, Senior Executive Director, Sciences and International Partnerships, WADA
- Dr. Lenka Wech, Olympian & Member of WADA’s Health, Medical and Research Committee
To register for the event please click here.