
Wed, October 07, 2020

We are supporting Parents in Sport Week

We are supporting Parents in Sport Week

This week is Parents in Sport Week, an annual campaign to raise awareness of the importance of parents' involvement in youth sport.

The annual campaign takes place from October 5-11 this year and run by the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU).

During the week the CPSU will be sharing guidance on the types of things sports clubs should have in place to keep children safe, how parents can get help with any concerns and how parents' positive behaviour contributes to better experiences of sport for children.

This year’s theme is ‘Let’s talk about keeping children safe in sport’.

The CPSU is asking sports parents to make the Sports Parents Promise to help their child have safe and enjoyable experiences of sport. To find out more about how you can help please visit here.


As part of the Parents in Sport Week 2020, the NSPCC and O2 are offering free short webinars for parents and carers.

These free 30 minute webinars are aiming to make it easy for parents to keep their family safe online and will cover:

  • why children enjoy using the internet
  • how the internet can help children
  • the risks of using the internet

You can get in touch with the NSPCC/O2 partnership to set up your clubs workshop during October at parentworkshops@nspcc.org.uk. For more information please click here.

To coincide with Parents in sport Week, rhythmic gymnast and Team England Athlete Ambassador Mimi Isabella-Cesar will be hosting an online webchat to look at how parents, coaches and young gymnasts can support each other and feel safe in sport.

The event will take place on Sunday 11th October at 11am.

Joining Mimi on the panel, will be Olympic gymnast Amy Tinkler, her mother Nora, gymnastic coach Scott Hann MBE, sport psychologist and former gymnast Kay Salisbury and CPSU senior consultant Laura Whapham. The panel will be chaired by sports presenter Charlie Webster.

For more information please click here.


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