
Wed, December 14, 2022

World Athletics seeking candidates for its Disciplinary Tribunal

World Athletics seeking candidates for its Disciplinary Tribunal

World Athletics is seeking candidates for its Disciplinary Tribunal, Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee, Vetting Panel, Screening Body and Election Oversight Panel.

Members of each body/panel will serve for a four-year period from August 2023 to 2027.

Deadline for applications for each position is 11 January 2023.

Disciplinary Tribunal
This is a first instance Disciplinary Tribunal that hears and decides on all breaches of the World Athletics Integrity Code of Conduct. There are currently over 40 members drawn from different jurisdictions around the world, from which a Panel is allocated for each case. The list of members of the Disciplinary Tribunal comprises internationally diverse individuals with the requisite experience to chair and/or conduct proceedings in doping and non-doping related matters (including, e.g., non-doping cases related to disciplinary, ethical and eligibility matters).

Please click here to view the position description in English, and here to view the French version. 

Vetting Panel
The role of the World Athletics Vetting Panel is to decide whether persons seeking to be, or who are, World Athletics Officials are eligible to take or remain in office. The Vetting Panel comprises three persons who must be independent of World Athletics. The members of the Vetting Panel must have significant legal experience, as well as experience in the vetting or screening of applicants and candidates for official positions.

Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee
The Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee considers applications for the grant or recognition of Therapeutic Use Exemptions for athletes, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the World Athletics Anti-Doping Rules and the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions. The work of the committee is supported by the Athletics Integrity Unit on behalf of World Athletics. The members of the committee have experience in the care and treatment of athletes and a sound knowledge of clinical, sports and exercise medicine, and are independent of World Athletics.

Screening Body
To ensure that members of the Vetting Panel also meet the same high standards of conduct and integrity as all other World Athletics Officials, the role of the World Athletics Screening Body is to determine the eligibility of the prospective and existing Members of the Vetting Panel. The members of the Screening Body must have significant legal experience, as well as experience in the vetting or screening of applicants and candidates to official positions.

Election Oversight Panel
The Election Oversight Panel supervises elections of the World Athletics Council and the Athletes’ Commission ensuring that all Candidates conduct their candidacies with honesty, integrity and moderation and in compliance with the Integrity Code of Conduct, the Candidacy Rules and any other applicable World Athletics Rules. The members of the Election Oversight Panel have the relevant experience in developing and managing electoral processes, ideally having done so with sports bodies.

Full position descriptions for each of these panels and details of how to apply for these positions are available in English and French here.

Applications will be assessed by the World Athletics Nominations Panel which will make its recommendations to the World Athletics Council who, in turn, will make recommendations of the preferred candidates for the Disciplinary Tribunal, Vetting Panel and Election Oversight Panel to the Member Federations of World Athletics at the Congress meeting to be held in Budapest on 17 and 18 August 2023.

Following the recommendation of the Nominations Panel, Council will appoint members of the Screening Body and of the Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee in March 2023.


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